Samo 78

Breeder: Ethos Genetics

Genetics: Pancake Ice* x Ethos Haze IBL

* Original Crescendo Pheno

Cannabis Type: Sativa

Flowering Time: 70 days

Outdoor: Unknown

Yield: Extremely High

Plant Morphology: vigorous, massive plants, hungry for nutrients, thirsty for water, staking required later in flower to support bud, stretched a fair amount in flower, classic sativa leaf structure

Height: Tall

Density: Above Average

Terpenes: classic hazy terps, citrus and gas, vibrant and sharp

Effect: uplifting, potent cerebral effect, not for the novice smoker

Note on Phenos: We kept two phenos of the Samo 78 – both are extremely similar in every aspect.

Additional information

Cannabis Type


Flowering Time (Indoor)

10 weeks


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