Durban Pie *Carrot Top Cut

Breeder: Dirty Bird Genetics

Genetics: Durban Poison x Chocolate Pie

Cannabis Type: Sativa Hybrid

Flowering Time: 55 – 60 Days

Outdoor: projected based on parents: End September – Early October. Both parents are phenomenal outside in Maine.

Yield: High

Plant Morphology: nice cola formation, prominent orange pistils covering the buds, average stretch (30% height growth in flower), vertical growth structure. Carrot Top phone – long cola with bright orange curly hair.

Height: Average

Density: Average

Terpenes: terpinolene (woody, floral, citrus), strong piney, incredibly sharp and vibrant

Effect: great daytime, social smoke

Additional information

Cannabis Type


Flowering Time (Indoor)

8 – 9 weeks


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