Lilac Diesel x Chocolate Pie

Breeder: Dirty Bird Genetics

Genetics: Lilac Diesel x Chocolate Pie

Cannabis Type: Sativa Hybrid

Flowering Time: 8-9 weeks

Yield: Average

Plant Morphology: This strain has good lateral and vertical branching without heavy foliage, making it a good contender for intense training methods such as SCROG. Expect many medium sized nuggets to develop across the plant, with purple hues and sharp but floral scents.

Height: Medium

Density: Average

Terpenes: Limonene, caryophyllene, and humulene are dominant.

Effect: A well-rounded daytime high that improves mood without anxiety or energy loss.

Additional information

Cannabis Type

Sativa Hybrid

Flowering Time (Indoor)

8 – 9 weeks


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1 in stock